Monday, November 22, 2010

Letting Go...


Letting go of someone you love 
is one of the hardest things you can do
but it’s also very necessary
If you don’t let go, you may end up smothering them and 
they will want to stay away from you. 
If someone was always worried about you and always judging every little thing you do,
and panicking over seemingly tiny things… 
would you want to spend more time with them or less? 
This counts for every kind of relationship, 
but seems to be a common problem among parents for some reason. 
I believe they call it “overprotective”. 
It really comes down to fear and trust. 
Just like you are more likely to know
what’s best for you than even your closest friend, it goes both ways. 
Just because the person is doing 
something that looks like a really bad idea to you,
doesn’t mean they’re making a huge mistake. 
It may actually be right for them. 
And even if it isn’t, 
mistakes are not the end of the world unless they’re fatal – 
the entire point of mistakes is to learn from them. 
If you keep someone from making mistakes, 
you are keeping them from learning… 
you would be holding them back. 
You don’t want to do that, do you?
This doesn’t mean you should never
give people advice or tell them what you think, though. 
By all means, do so. But don’t become “obsessed” with it,
or nag them about it or keep bringing it up every other day. 
That will just make them even less likely to want to listen to you. 
If you really feel a need to get a point across to someone,
the best way to do it is by example. Practice what you preach.
Mention it every now and then if you must.
But most importantly, give them a REASON to listen to you.
And respect their decisions.

What Is Love NOT??

Possessiveness is NOT love
Jealousy is NOT love
Lust is NOT love
Fear is NOT love
Keeping people all to yourself is NOT love
Expecting something from someone is NOT love

 When is came to be love
Love from YOUR heart..
Only YOU know what is the meaning of LOVE

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pantai Damai & Santubong

21 Nov 2010 ( Enjoy After Exam )

Masa untuk exam dh abis.. Best giler.. hehe tapi dalam
masa yang sama berdebar2 juga utk tau keputusan.
harap2 ok la result nti.. tapi kali nie bukan utk cerita exam.
Haha.. best giler kami p jalan2 semalam..
maklumlah tak pernah tengok kawasan jauh2 di kuching,
paling2 kami selalu jalan p The Spring ja.. Boring kn...
Nasib kami buat plan p Pantai Damai..
Peserta2 kali ini haha... Tukang pandu - Jeremy.
Teo, Has, Ebek (nina), Syuh & of course aku la...
Semua teruja mo p masa tuh.. 
haha.Perjalanan bermula pada pukul 9 pg namun 
agak lewat juga sbb kereta lewat sampai..
So akhirnya 9.30 baru jalan.. Sebelum p pantai damai,
kami singgah dulu di Everise utk beli makanan n apa2 yg patut..

Akhinya kami tiba jua di Damai Beach Resort!! Best oo..
Cantik oo.. lama tak p pantai, rasa seronok plak.
tapi sebelum p terjun p laut, 
kita mesti daftar dlu gn pihak resort.. sekali masuk RM3
.. haha siap kena pkai cop di baju lagi.. macam2 la..
pastu kmi kena bagi air mineral,sebotol sorg..
Gambar di atas, teo gn has tgh buat pendaftaran utk kmi..

Nie la pemandangan di Damai Beach Resort .. mcm pelancong dh plak.. haha.
tapi ada masa confirm mau p tido di chalet nie..

Nie lah gaya2 budak2 yg tak pernah p pantai..
Jenuh juga la jadi jurugambar tak bertauliah..
tapi im happy sbb dorg ckp gmbr yg aku abik 2,
cantik2 juga.. so aku tawarkan diri jadi photographer dorg..

Nie la anak2 dara yang menjoin rombongan kali ini..
Dr kiri Has, Syuh, aku & Ebek..

Tgk la.. siap ada COP lagi di baju...
tanda kami adalah pengunjung Pantai Damai pd ari itu..

Jejaka2 ini lah jadi bodyguard memerangkap driver pada ari itu..
Jeremy & Teo..

Antara pose yang plg cantik pada ari itu..
Thnks Teo.. I love it.. hehe (n_n)

Nie plak kami dah p ke Pantai Puteri d Santubong..
Saja mau singgah utk tengok pemandangan..

Bila dah penat, dorg nie la melepak d tepi rumah org..
haha.. aku ja nda lekang2 jadi jurugambar..
nda apa, janji kami semua HAPPY...

Cantik kan rumah nie.. Dahlah tepi pantai..
berlatarblakangkan dengan gunung Santubong lagi..
Memang cantik.. Teringin mau tinggal cni ..HAha..

Naa.. mau balik da kami nie.. haha..
Len kali mau datang lagi.. bawa geng2 kelas plak..
kali nie mau mandi terjun d laut..
kempunan plak nak p mandi.. haha

Sempat lagi kami singgah di The Spring..
yalah semua pun lapar.. jadi mau melantak la..
aku ja nda.. diet la katakan,, haha
tapi at least.. sempat bergambar lagi..
So, tamat lah perjalanan kami pada ari itu jam 9 mlm..
tapi enjoy kami bkn stakat ini..
akan ada lagi yg menyusul.. haha
Jumpa lagi!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Ya akhirnya.. Its Futsal Time!!

Waa.. Akhirnya ari nie selesai suda exam kami.. 
Ya.. walaupun berdebar menanti keputusan namun dalam hati nie
tetap mengharapkan kejayaan berpihak pada diri... 
yg penting jgn putus asa... yes!! petang nie bleh la main futsal 
dgn kwnku, haslina, syuhadah, ebek, teo dan sewaktu dengannya
naa.. apa lagi nie la peluang utk beriadah kan.
selain dapat memberikan faedah untuk kesihatan..
sapa2 yang mau join, welcome to our club.. hehe.. 
daftarkan diri dengan segera..haha (n_n)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

welcome.. welcome..

                         Waa.. nie 1st time berjinak2 dgn blog.. selama nie bila aku tgk kwn2 ku buat blog..
            rasa mcm pelik ja.. yalah.. tertanya2 jua.. apa faedahnya blog nie.. so nie kali giliran aku plak mo bt   
    blog.. so sapa2 yg ada cdgn tuh.. sila la beri tunjuk ajar aa.. berfaedah jua nie.. at least nda la aku sunyi bleh  
 merepek2 kan.. apa lagi.. mari lah kita start.. (n_n) So, lets enjoy!!! thnks utk kwn2 ku yg ajar aku nie.